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SCAQ - Principles of Financial Reporting (PFF)


Module Objective

The Principles of Financial Reporting module provides Candidates with knowledge of the Conceptual
Framework and the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (International) (SFRS(I)) to produce a
complete set of financial statements for single entities, including basic notes to the accounts.
Candidates will also be able to explain and advise on the application of the SFRS(I)s, demonstrating
appropriate professional judgment. The Principles of Financial Reporting module provides foundation
accounting knowledge for the Advanced Financial Reporting module and the Assurance module.


Module Assessment
The Foundation Programme is assessed by way of centralised examinations. Each module will be
assessed by way of a 3-hour and 15 minutes restricted open-book written examination. There will be
four questions, and each question may have multiple parts requiring structured responses.

Course Curriculum

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