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About the Professional Programme
The Professional Programme aims to equip Candidates with the knowledge, skills and professional
values that are required of a Chartered Accountant of Singapore. It is a self-study programme that offers
flexibility and learning support to suit the individual study and working needs of each Candidate.
Module Objective
The Integrative Business Solutions (IB) module has been designed to allow candidates to bring together
the core competencies that they have developed in the four professional modules, their practical work
experience, and their professional values in a structured and practical way to develop integrative
business solutions for relevant stakeholder groups.
To achieve this goal, higher-order knowledge and skills are required to assess strategic positions,
business performance, and governance, as well as identify viable options, recommend appropriate
plans to achieve strong organisational performance, and provide sustainable value-added solutions.
Candidates are also required to critically analyse business issues and demonstrate strong analytical
skills through interpreting and evaluating multidisciplinary business case studies.
Candidates must be able to demonstrate a strong core knowledge base gained through successfully
completing the four technical modules, as well as sound ethical decision-making and exemplary

Course Curriculum

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